Monday 4 January 2010

Trailer Research: REC

REC is another example of a film that uses the hand-held camera technique to great effect. A film that based itself from The Blair Witch Project, REC's trailer again uses just the right amount of footage to captivate audiences.

However in this trailer, the audience is thrown straight into what appears to be the middle of the film, where the characters are going into a building where the threat appears to be. After this several clips are shown using the shaky camera technique, that incorporate actions sequences e,g, characters running away. All of the sound is diegetic apart from the background music which is played over the top in a non-diegetic form.
Several ideas from this trailer I would like to take would be:

- The idea of the trailer starting off in the middle of the plot
- Several action clips thrown together
- Non-diegetic sound played over the top
- The length of the trailer (about a minute 30 seconds)

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