Monday 4 January 2010

Trailer Research: Cloverfield

The final trailer I'm looking at is for the film Cloverfield which again utilised the handheld technique. However unlike the others, this had more of a big budget and gives off more of a Hollywood style feel. Very noticeable from the amount of special effects that you can see within the trailer.

This is what we don't want to achieve with out trailer. We want to distance ourselves from the Hollywood concepts, without special effects, plot giveaways and voice overs. We will utilise the same idea for our poster and website. Very minimalistic and requiring the audience to look further into our media text. Such an example is the recent film Paranormal Activity which gained huge hype over the Internet, and required the interest of the audience in order for the film to be shown in different countries. We want to give our film the same type of feel, where they are not given an immediate taster, they have to go and see it to find out. Hence why our trailer will be a teaser, rather than a fully featured trailer.

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