Monday 4 January 2010

The Genre

My partner and I have chosen the genre of horror for our trailer. The reason being that the horror genre is an easy one to work with, and to convey. It's easy for us to produce a trailer with horror elements, such as over-dramatsied actors, enclosed or open settings (such as a forset or house) and there is more focus on camera angles and shots than there would be in different genres. Things like this can be easily conveyed, than if we were to a different genre say Action or Sci-Fi which would require things such as special effects and props, where as with Horro there is a lot more emphasis on the atmopshere and the actors, which is something that me and my partner can easily do.

The Horror genre is something that is easy to produce. The number one goal in this genre is to produce fear within the audience. The basic concept is the same: the hero(es) must fight against horrific forces in life. Unlike drama, where the goal is to get the audience to experience a range of emotions, horro has a much simpler goal: to exeprience fear. There are sub-genres such as Sci-Fi Horror, Fantasy Horror, Comedy Horror etc. We have gone with a documentary style horror, using a shaky camera techniqure in order to increase the fear factor. A realistic apparoach will make the whole concept work that much better.

Horror is a genre that is there to frighten, panic and invoke our fears often in an eqaully fightening finale which is captivating and enetertaining at the same time in an experience. The earliest horror films were a gothic style, starting with monsters (Frankenstien) vampires (Dracula) and Ghosts. Going through the years the ideas were re-worked examples being The Shining which incorporated Ghosts and 30 days of Night which was a modern day Vampire film. You can see how modern day horror films try to incorporate different ideas, but the basis of it still remains the same.

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