Monday 4 January 2010

Further Poster Research / Analysis

Further looking into poster research comes this film poster. "The Haunting In Connecticut" Looking very stereotypical, with the focus on the central image(s) to try and present to our audience what the film is going to be about. Conventions such as dark and washed out colours give the poster an appropriate mood and tone that reflects the film itself. The only colours present throughout the whole poster are black and yellow.

The slogan is suggesting plot saying "What if the only explanation for what you saw, was unbelievable?" I like the idea of simple and central images and / or iconography which will prove to be easy to produce. The image of the person in the middle is almost Representative of a struggle that will be seen in the film.

The poster uses iconography to try and position the audience into the time period in which the film is set this is done through the use of outfits. Because the film is set in present day, this will also position the audience into thinking the film may have some connection to ghosts, because of the of the conflicting time periods, illustrated in the poster. The iconography also tells us about the genre. The character who is in a Christ like pose, stuck to the ceiling, could show the audience there could be an underlying theme of religion, or some sort of religious imagery connected to the film. Possibly making it seem more interesting to our audience because of a cross of genres.

Next is this poster for Paranormal Activity. Very basic but very effective. The audience will be drawn to the grainy image centralised in the middle. Another thing worth noting is the amount of critical acclaim that the poster gives. Our audience are predominantly young aged. In modern day society there can be films that will take the Internet by storm this could be through word of mouth (Twitter, Facebook) and since our audience are avid technology users, a website and posters are great ways of presenting our film to people.

Presenting the fact a film has great reviews will gradually make people build interest. The central image makes a good use of lighting with it being natural, and giving off a serious tone, very realistic. Colourless and grainy, looking very low budget, and niche. It looks as if it is supposed to be a location shot Moving onto the presentation of the endorsements. The iconic golden palm is shown around one of the endorsements, and is recognised in the film industry as a high achievement among film makers. This will heighten our audience expectations once again. The colour of gold represents a sort of feeling to the audience of the film being number 1, as the colour gold is associated with the idea of winning. The choice of words is effective, "Screamfest" Appropriate for the film genre that is horror, again positoning the audience into thinking that it will be a scary film.

Finally the use of the website at the bottom in a white font shows us that the audience are enocuraged to and see what the film is about, and it acts as an active reading, where the audience has the choice to either go and look further into the film or not bother.

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