Monday 4 January 2010

Trailer Research: The Blair Witch Project

For me and my partners trailer, we are drawing inspiration from a number of Trailers. First is a 1999 film called The Blair Witch Project, a film which utilised the hand-held camera for its filming.
The trailer and promotional campaign for the film was credited for having a realistic and believable approach. We aim to do the same thing, with a teaser trailer that will incorporate various hand-held clips in order to give our trailer both a confusing quality and a mysterious quality to it.

The Trailer shows various small clips put together with an overdubbed sound, both to give off mystery in order to heighten audience expectation. All the clips shown in the trailer appear to be done with a hand-held camera which adds a realistic quality to it. It's also worth noting that the Trailer is just a minute long. We aim to do the same. At the end very end of the trailer they display the website, which was a large part in the promotion of this film. Along with a poster we are also producing a homepage to go with the promotional package. We plan to closely link the website, trailer and poster very closely together. I like this idea as it encourages audiences to look further than just the trailer, and go deeper. Using less leaks in the trailer about the film itself, will always spur interest with audiences.

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