Monday 4 January 2010

Poster Research / Analysis: The Blair Witch Project

Included in our promotional package will be a poster.

The reason for this choice, is because along with the Website and the Trailer, all three are a very diverse range of promotional activities. I plan to take several conventions from this poster shown above. I like the concept that has been used of an almost Mini Synopsis used on the poster. This creates an image and small understanding of the film to the audience and adds to audience expectations.
Also the use of a photo of a forest with a reverse effect of dark trees and a light background. It has very little use of colour with the majority of it being white, with only a symbol being red, and the font being black on top. Maybe using an ironic approach, where white is a colour based upon purity and peace and from the information that has been given, the film is anything but a peaceful film. As well as the noticeable use of white, behind the highlighted trees it is pitch black, symbolising some sort of dark presence within the woods, and giving a clue to where the antagonist may be situated.

This version has an extended Synopsis which is able to draw our audience in, and also unlike the poster above, this one utilises a very realistic approach showing the actors and it saying "MISSING" above. A great approach, not a usual convention of a horror film to make it feel like a real believable event. I want to use something similar to this in the development of my poster. I thinks its effective, at how first glance it looks like a real police certified missing poster, but on close inspection you realise it is a film advert.
This can be noticed based on the films logo below. You also get an idea for the cast, there are three people shown on the poster, but this may not necessarily mean that's all there is to film, as stated in the poster when it says "MISSING" this will then suggest some sort of binary opposition that the characters will face.

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