Thursday 11 February 2010

Website Research Conclusion

Overall through my research of existing horror movie websites, I have discovered that there are several different trends appear in almost all of them, I feel I can use these with the production of our horror movie promotional website.

For example I feel that having the trailer as the centre-piece for the website is a very powerful way of connecting with the target audience because it allows the film to speak for itself, this in itself is very powerful, by watching the trailer combined with the content of the website it will leave the audience wanting more, this in theory will lead to them going to see the entire film.

Also I feel that having a home page and around 4 other pages will be suitable as this is a common number for most of the websites I have seen, I also feel this gives us a chance to leave the audience with a very good impression of the film but keeps them wanting more as it doesn't give away too much about the plot of the film.

Colour scheme will be an important factor in the creation of the website because there are a set few colours that we have seen consistently come up in the research for the website, with our website I feel the most appropriate colour scheme would be of black and dark green, this would symbolise the location as a dark and mysterious forest, or black and dark red, the black is used once again to symbolise dark and mysterious and the dark red will symbolise blood, this will give the audience the impression that the film contains some kind of murder/killing conspiracy plot.

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